The international conference Industry & Energy continues as a summit. The competition of the Industrial Energy Enlightenmentz is still an important part of the program. Are you an innovative startup, energy researcher or inventor with an (almost) ready to market invention that will shake up the industrial and energy world? Please contact us and join the Industrial Energy Enlightenmentz competition.

December 10th and 11th Dutch, Belgian and German industry leaders and energy experts meet in Amsterdam to accelerate the transition to carbon emission free production. This energy transition depends heavily on breakthrough innovations in industrial heat. But also in production, storage and distribution of electrical energy. We are searching for innovations that help industrial energy consumers like the (petro)chemical, steel & metal and food & beverage industry to change into a clean and futureproof business.


Power-to-x-technology, carbon capture and usage, but also new concepts for industrial power management can change the carbon footprint of the industry in the Netherlands, Flanders and North Rhine-Westphalia. Winner of the Industrial Energy Enlightenmentz 2018 Battolyser is a perfect example of a technology that both solves the challenges of the short-term storage of electrical energy and the need for hydrogen in the long term. Fokko Mulder (Battolyser) convinced the jury that his improved Tesla battery could bring wind power closer to the industrial needs.

Now it is your turn. Send us an email with a short description of your invention. We are looking for inventions that just need a little push, we are aiming for technology readiness level 4 to 9. If in doubt, please do not hesitate to send the mail anyway.

Send us information

We expect our contestants to send as much information as possible. The jury will then select the top three candidates. These three finalists get the opportunity to pitch for an audience of industrial leaders during the conference. On top of that we will make a short film of your invention to support your pitch and to raise votes on social media.